Saturday, July 25, 2009

Melon results

The canteloupe was ripe, juicy, and really, really sweet. It was delicious! Hoping we get more.


  1. I just can't believe how great your garden is doing!! Everything looks so juicy! Thanks.

  2. Oops .. . forgot to sign it. Love, Brian

  3. Your garden looks great!!! How are the squash doing? Ours are not doing very well, though we have had lots of eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes and okra. What okra that we don't cook by frying or boiling with butterbeans, we blanch and put in the freezer. Really can not tell any difference between the different kinds of okra. It all tastes good. What kind of cantaloupe did you plant? U. Steve & A. Lori

  4. I heard that the melon was tasty as can be. When I saw it the other week, I had my doubts too! hahaha! But, I bet it tasted better than any you'd buy at the store.
