Monday, May 4, 2009

Week 3 update

These are the latest photos, taken on Friday, May 1.  The plants were given a dose of fertilizer Friday, too.  (This Friday's pictures will really show a difference that MiracleGro can make!)

Marigolds were added to the bed of tomatoes and peppers (bad bugs don't like them, but they will attract pollinators), and Texas sweet onions were added to the bed of broccoli and cabbage.  

The top picture shows a find of Kirstin's.  She went to the spring plant sale at TTC's greenhouse and picked up these hydroponically grown Micro Tom tomatoes.  They are about as big as they will get and the tomatoes are about as big as a dime.  We'll keep these in the rocks and water since they are happy growing that way.  

We had an unexpected visitor to the yard last week.  Something had been getting after Granny's Pregnant Plant (Kalanchoe).  Then on Thursday we saw a large turtle in the neighbor's yard as we were grilling outside...then while we were eating dinner, it managed to leave their yard, go under their gate, come under our gate, and it was spotted making a beeline for the "salad bar".  The kids and Grandpa got it into a bucket and delivered it safely to the lake across the street, ALL the way down at the far end of the lake.   A picture of the fellow will be posted later when it gets from Kirstin's cell phone to my computer.  

This week's plan: build a narrow (3'x6') bed for asparagus, maybe one for strawberries.  Last week I looked for more fence boards, but was having trouble finding straight and knot hole-free boards.  I have bales of straw ready, and plan on heading to the landfill for more compost later this week.   

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks great. I bet you've never seen a turtle move so fast!! I'm sure he loved chomping on the best salad bar in the neighborhood! Those hydro tomoatoes look pretty cool too.
