Friday, May 15, 2009

Week 5 Update

Such a cloudy day!  I went out between showers to get these photos, but they are a little dark due to the heavy cloud cover.  The rest of these tomatoes needed to be caged too!  
I took this picture of the rhubarb.  Those leaves are almost a foot across!  In the picture below, the rhubarb is in the upper left corner of the box.  
The cabbage and the poor broccoli plant that was attacked by the cutworm are in the front.  Look at how the broccoli is taking off.  Each plant had coffee grounds and crushed eggshells applied around the stem this week, hopefully to deter future cutworms.  
The cucumbers are starting to climb!  The zucchini are blooming like crazy, too.  
Even though this is a really overcast picture, if you click on it to make it bigger you might be able to see lots of tiny tomatoes on the plants.  The big plant on the right of the box has offshoots that need a cage of their own.  All are doing well!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, everything has just taken off! Looks great. I compared to the first set of photos and it's hard to believe how quickly they've grown.
