Thursday, June 4, 2009

Another harvest

Here's what we got Wednesday:  2 cucumbers, 2 zucchinis, 3 tomatoes, and a pound of broccoli.  2 1/2 pounds in all!  I haven't even been taking pictures of the rest of the zucchinis and tomatoes we've picked over the course of the week.  :)
There are 2 types of baby cabbage worms on the broccoli plants that are having a ball chewing through the leaves.  Mom and I had a picking session and dunked all that we could find in a container of soapy water.  We'll have to keep a close eye out for newly hatched ones, although we scraped off as many eggs as we could find.  


  1. Yucky worm eggs!! Sounds like fun! :)
    The produce looks great. That broccoli looks yummy! How are you going to prepare it? Raw with Ranch dressing? Broccoli soup?? Just curious.

  2. We steamed the broccoli and served it with a little butter. It had a wonderful flavor! It's nothing like grocery store or frozen broccoli. We can't wait to get more!
