The little canteloupe is getting bigger and has little stripes now. Several of the squash and canteloupe leaves are drying and curling. Don't know if it's caused by the heat or something else.

We are getting LOTS of tomatoes from this bed!

The broccoli has just about quit producing...soon it will be pulled out and something else put in it's place. What to plant....?

Found out what the buggers are that have attacked the zucchini fruit, blooms, and vines: pickleworms. They are virtually impossible to kill but I will do my best! Trying to save unaffected vines at this time, but most of the vines all have some holes in them...and the zucchini harvested the last few days have had holes bored in them ... the larvae eat them from the inside out. Sevin dust and insecticidal soap are only hopeful attempts at this time. Hopefully, the pickleworms will get all they want from the zucchini and yellow squash and spare the cucumbers.
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